Monday, August 27, 2012

Deep connections between Iceland and the U.S.

I was invited to speak at the annual meeting of the Iceland National League. This organization is composed of Icelanders and Americans and Canadians of Icelandic descent who are dedicated to the preservation and promotion of Iceland’s heritage and its contributions to North America. This group embodies the deepest connection between Iceland and the United States and their mission is as noble as it is enriching. For readers in Iceland, I would recommend making an effort to attend a presentation titled “The Love of Iceland in America” which Pam Olafson Furstenau is making throughout Iceland in the coming days. Pam is an American of Icelandic descent who has captured beautifully the meaning of being Icelandic-American. Her blog at has all the information about upcoming presentations as well as her impressions of her latest trip to Iceland.