Friday, October 18, 2013

Using film to raise climate change awareness

We were very proud to sponsor the Reykjavik International Film Festival and the efforts of the organizers to use the program to raise awareness of the challenges of climate change by showing informative films and conducting panel discussions on the subject. There were several top scientists and filmmakers from the United States who participated in several events, including noted climate scientist Michael E. Mann (author of The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars), University of Oregon Professor Kari Norgaard, Peter Sinclair (who runs the “Climate Denier Crock of the Week” website), film producer Patrick Gambuti (Greedy Lying Bastards) and film critic John Defore. I attended one of the panel discussions of the Earth 101 project, which generated a lot of great questions from a standing-room-only audience of university students, teachers, and concerned citizens. I hope some young film makers have been inspired to make more films on this important topic.